Alignment of Mind and Heart
By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
Do you feel in alignment with yourself? Is what you think you should do, and what you really want to do the same or different?
In the past we have believed the mind was all we had for dealing with our challenges, and it was all we needed. We now know that we have heart abilities that are even more powerful than our mind abilities.
In the past, since we only acknowledged the mind, we believed our heart abilities were brain abilities. We called them right-brain and left-brain abilities. What we now know is that what we have called right brain abilities are actually heart abilities.
We now know the heart sends messages to the brain and the brain carries them out. We now know the brain is responsible for linear thinking, reason and logic, analysis. The heart is responsible for feelings, like, caring, nurturing, enthusiasm, creativity, intuition, innovation, joy, happiness – all our feelings, both good and bad.
We also know thoughts and feelings go together. Thoughts bring forth feelings, and feelings bring in thoughts. We really cannot have one without the other.
In the past we have believed that only the brain or thinking were important, that we could figure out how to handle all of our challenges. We were taught to override our feelings because we were unaware that our heart/feelings are our real source of power.
We have tried to override our feelings, but it is quite obvious that it did not work very well, by just looking at our lives and the world we have created. We now know the value and the power of our heart abilities and realize the importance of aligning the heart and the brain. Success in accomplishing whatever we choose requires both.
There are people who have tried to override the heart and created stress beyond their ability to function very well. There are also people who try functioning from their feelings alone and find themselves in trouble due to a lack of knowledge or reason and logic.
Once again, I want to explain the difference in how we develop our brain abilities, and how we develop our heart abilities. The brain can be taught and it learns. It functions within the limits of what is already known by others. The heart, on the other hand, cannot be taught. It simply exists and can only be discovered within ourselves.
When people start an Unlimited Futures course, they usually discover their brain and heart are not aligned. The brain tells them to do the exercises and homework, but the heart may very well say it would rather do something else. They most likely started the course because the heart wanted something more in their life. The brain could not figure out how to satisfy it. Most people in the world today are overstressed. When that is the case, the nervous system is simply not strong enough to overcome the stress. Quite often people are not even aware they are over-stressed or not in alignment with themselves.
However, after working with the process of releasing stress and refining the mind/body energy, the brain and heart automatically become aligned. What we want to do and what we think we should do become the same.
Until we align the brain and the heart, we are always overriding one or the other to accomplish anything, and seldom ever accomplishing what we really desire.
Are you ready to discover what happens when you are aligned with yourself, both brain and heart? This is often known as self-actualization.
We would love to help you have that experience. Check out our web site at www.unlimitedfutures.org and send me an e mail if you have questions.