Comparing The Old Science and Beliefs
COMPARING THE OLD SCIENCE AND BELIEFS with THE NEW SCIENCE AND DISCOVERIES By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D. The old science taught us Darwin’s theory of evolution – basically, we evolved from the…
COMPARING THE OLD SCIENCE AND BELIEFS with THE NEW SCIENCE AND DISCOVERIES By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D. The old science taught us Darwin’s theory of evolution – basically, we evolved from the…
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE WORLD TODAY? WHY IT’S HAPPENING? WHERE IT IS LEADING US? by Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.We are going through the biggest transformation the world has ever seen. We are…
THE CONONAVIRUS PANDEMINIC HOW LONG WILL IT BE WITH US? By Bobbie Stevens, Ph. D. What do you think the purpose of the Coronavirus Pandemic is? It has been my experience…
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