By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
The old science taught us Darwin’s theory of evolution – basically, we evolved from the animal kingdom.
The new science has proved Darwin’s theory of evolution incorrect. It has now been proven we are a species all our own. See Gregg Braden’s book “The Science of Self-Empowerment” for a full scientific understanding of this research.
What we now know is that everyone and everything in existence is contained in one large body, all of existence is this wholeness. On the physical/material level, everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies and in different forms. This energy is moved and formed by a field of intelligence that contains all knowledge, and the power source is the universal heart or Love. This wholeness, all of existence, consists of love, intelligence, and energy. Einstein called this the unified field. It has been called other things by other scientists.
Humans, as units of the wholeness, are creators. We are creating with our intentions or in other words, our beliefs. Our beliefs are guiding our thoughts, feelings and attention which direct our actions that produce our experiences. We are creating our own experiences and all of us together are creating our world. We have been creating unconsciously because in the past we have not understood that we are creating our lives and the world, or how we did it.
The old science told us we were separate from each other and nature – we were on our own and must compete – first to survive, then to get our share of the fixed material world.
The old science believed that we and the world were solid.
The new science tells us that everything is energy, constantly changing. Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies and in different forms. Therefore, nothing is solid.
The new science proved everything in existence is constantly changing energy. We also know that energy is indestructible. Energy only changes form.
Since everything in existence is contained in the one wholeness, we can see that everyone and everything in existence is connected.
With this knowledge, it becomes clear the old science led us to create lives, and a world, which is unsustainable because it is built on incorrect theories and concepts that have guided our creations.
The old separateness, “us and them” theory led us to create the world we are living in today.
The new discoveries clearly show us that everyone and everything in existence is connected. We must work together to create new lives and a new world that works for all of us. We now know that what affects any of us affects all of us.
Given this knowledge it becomes clear that everything must change, including our awareness. It is also clear that working with energy is totally different than working with solid material. This includes our bodies as well as everything else.
When we believed in a solid, fixed world, we obviously believed in limitation, there was only so much of the fixed supply. However when we understand everything is constantly changing, indestructible, energy; there are no limits to what we can create.
We are creators! We are moving and forming energy into whatever we choose.
The old science led us in the wrong direction because the first premise about who we are, and how we came to be, was incorrect.
This new understanding is bringing about the transformation that is happening today. We humans are now evolving into a whole new species, which will be functioning from a much more advanced level of awareness.
What is needed in the world today are people who understand what is happening, why, and where it is leading us, and the new possibilities. The world needs people who have discovered and developed the abilities we all have but were not aware of in the past. These people will be the first of the new species. These people will be capable of seeing beyond the chaos and not get caught up in it.
Are you ready to move out of the old obsolete theories and beliefs and become one of the new species? The future will be created by this new species of humanity.
People who discover and develop their heart abilities and balance the mind and heart abilities will be the leaders of the future in all areas of our lives and world.
Next week I will discuss the new heart abilities and how balancing the heart and mind abilities will enable us to function from an advanced level of understanding and experience.