by Bobbie Stevens, Ph. D.
With all the contradictory information being broadcast from all directions how do you know what’s true?
Do you have big questions, that you really want answered? How do you find the answers to these big questions? Questions like
- “What’s my purpose?”,
- “Why am I here?”,
- “How does it all work?”
Or maybe yours are practical questions like “How can I create computer software that can’t be hacked?”
There are three ways of getting answers to our big questions.
Religion – Science – Experience
First, most of us were brought up in some religion or belief system that answered these questions for us. Were you satisfied with the answers you received?
I was brought up in a very strict religion, and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t believe the answers I received. Somehow, I just knew these answers couldn’t possibly be true.
Second, we can get our big questions answered by science. As you know, science is an intellectual process used to verify or debunk theories, through scientific research. This is a method of finding proof of what is or is not true. This process is most interesting, and dependable, but slow and laborious.
That leaves experience. I chose this system without having any idea of what I was doing. I had big questions, and I really wanted answers. I didn’t know anyone in the world who knew these answers, so I just kept asking myself. I was just experimenting, but I got answers!
Since that time, I have helped many other people get their questions answered by using the same process. If you just keep questioning, you will discover that you know the answers and you can bring them to your awareness. This is what we call intuition.
Years ago, when I was searching for answers to my questions, intuition was not even acknowledged as existing. It certainly wouldn’t be considered a trustworthy way to receive knowledge, but over the years and through questioning and scientific research we now know intuition is real.
The answers to my questions came to me intuitively. I asked to know how it all works and I got a very clear answer. I could clearly see how we are creating our own experiences, and how all of us together are creating world experiences. I just knew, and I knew that I knew. It was very different from a thought or belief.
I also knew I had to verify this new knowledge in the material world, which I did. I saw a 7-step process for creating anything. So, I worked through that process for creating what I wanted at that time, which was far beyond anything I could have possibly done before.
I created a new business, 2 new townhouses – one to live in and one to rent out – beautiful new furniture for my townhouse, including a baby grand piano, a new car, and I attracted the love of my life.
Intuition and creativity are abilities we all have but have not developed. Very few people understand them, or how to develop them. Using developed intuitive abilities, you can receive and trust the knowledge you are seeking. Plus, you can consciously create whatever you choose.
By just experimenting, I developed my ability to access knowledge intuitively. I have helped thousands of others develop their intuitive abilities to receive unknown knowledge – the knowledge they needed to answer their questions.
At this point in time, a huge shift is taking place here on planet Earth. The shift is moving us from darkness (a lack of knowledge) to light, where we can clearly see and understand the laws of nature and principles of life that governs how creation is created and our role in it.
We have spent years developing our intellectual abilities, but the intellect alone is incapable of creating the life we want to live and the world we want to live in. This fact is becoming more obvious every day as we see the world we created crumbling.
There is a new science that has clearly proven the old science we have lived our lives based on is untrue. The new science totally overturns the science of the past and the beliefs we have all been taught. The new science has proven in double blind studies over and over again the knowledge I received intuitively many years ago is exactly how our world works.
Many people are now aware of this new science. Yet we all have the challenge of letting go of what we have been taught all our lives, even when we realize it is untrue. It is a challenge for us to accept the reality that we are creators and have the potential to be able to access unknown knowledge intuitively, creating whatever we care about and are focused on.
On a scale of “not ready – sort of ready – so ready” where are you on letting go of old untrue beliefs and developing your ability to stay on the cutting edge of a new world? Write your answer in the comments section and be sure to share this article with others in your circle.