We are going through the greatest transformation the world has ever seen, as more and more people are becoming aware we have built our lives around untrue beliefs and theories. Science has proven this to be the case.
According to scientist Stephen Harding, about 400 years ago during the scientific revolution science and soul were drastically separated, propelling humanity into centuries of a valuable yet one-sided style of empiricism and rationality (Click Here to Read Full Article)

When you think about Nature, what comes to mind? Do you think about the beauty of nature, beautiful sunsets, flowers, trees, a walk through the woods? Or do you think about the power of nature, the storms, the winds, the floods, etc.?
Nature is all of that and much more. Nature is both beautiful and powerful – so are you. Nature has creative power – so do you. We affect nature and nature affects us. There are Laws of Nature that shows us how it works. (Click Here to Read Full Article)

Alignment of Mind and Heart
Do you feel in alignment with yourself? Is what you think you should do, and what you really want to do the same or different?
In the past we have believed the mind was all we had for dealing with our challenges, and it was all we needed. We now know that we have heart abilities that are even more powerful than our mind abilities.
In the past, since we only acknowledged the mind, we believed our heart abilities were brain abilities. We called them right-brain and left-brain abilities. What we now know is that what we have called right brain abilities (Click Here to Read Full Article)

When positive change occurs on any level, the old established way of functioning resists it, and usually causes some disruption. This Is what we call “chemicalization.”
This word came from the observation of what happens on a chemical level when you mix opposing chemicals. A huge commotion takes place, sometimes even an explosion, but when the commotion settles you have something of a higher order. (click here to read the full article)

Are you old enough to remember when the first robots were invented?
I remember everyone was genuinely concerned. They were so afraid robots would take their jobs and people wouldn’t have a way to make a living.
It turns out that was a ligament concern because what we have been taught and been programmed to believe has actually created human robots. Robots just do what they are programmed to do. We were also programmed (Click Here to read the full article)

Are you aware of your heart abilities?
We all have heart abilities, but we have mostly ignored them. We have developed our intellect, and it has brought us to where we are now. Science is an intellectual pursuit, and it has now proven that our past and present world view is false. We can expand our awareness to include a more advanced way to live our lives and, as a result, create a completely different world. This awareness is what we call the new science. (Click Here to read the full article)

Playing The Game Of Life

By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
Are you living your life on purpose? Is your work fulfilling? Do you Love what you do? Or do you do it to make the money that allows you to do what you love? Is your work stressful or enjoyable? Please ask yourself these questions.
Each of us has a purpose, and we are guided to our purpose by our interests. What interests you? If you knew you could, (Click Here to read the full article)

By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
Do you find yourself pressed for time to do the things you think you really have to get done?
Are you too busy doing things the way you have always done them, to even think about the possibility that there might be a better way? (Click Here to read the full article)

by Bobbie Stevens, Ph. D.
With all the contradictory information being broadcast from all directions how do you know what’s true?
Do you have big questions, that you really want answered? How do you find the answers to these big questions? Questions like: (Click Here to read the rest of the article)

The new science has brought us to the awareness of abilities we have always had but have not developed because we were unaware of their value. These are what we now speak of as heart abilities. When we believed our brain abilities were sufficient to accomplish our goals, we called these abilities right-brain abilities.
Now The Institute of Heart Math has shown that the electromagnetic field of the heart is the most powerful and extensive one in the human body – about 5,000 times stronger than the electromagnetic field of the brain.
This research has made it clear that our heart abilities are more powerful than the brain abilities we developed. (Click Here to read the rest of the article)

The old science taught us Darwin’s theory of evolution – basically, we evolved from the animal kingdom.
The new science has proved Darwin’s theory of evolution incorrect. It has now been proven we are a species all our own. See Gregg Braden’s book “The Science of Self-Empowerment” for a full scientific understanding of this research.
What we now know is that everyone and everything in existence is contained in one large body, all of existence is this wholeness. On the physical/material level, everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies and in different forms. This energy is moved and formed by a field of intelligence that contains all knowledge, and the power source is the universal heart or Love. (Click Here to read the complete article)

What's Happening in the World Today?.......Why?......Where it is leading Us?
We are going through the biggest transformation the world has ever seen. We are going through this transformation as the result of scientific studies from around the world, which have now proven, almost everything we have believed in the past is not true. They have clearly proven that the old theories and concepts, we were all taught, were completely wrong.
This means we have built our lives and the world, around false theories, and concepts.
With those false beliefs we have created lifestyles and a world that is unsustainable.

What do you think the purpose of the Coronavirus Pandemic is?
It has been my experience that everything has a purpose, and when that purpose is accomplished, it goes away. Click Here to read full article.

Intuition - What Is It?
It seems that everyone is talking about intuition these days, but few seem to understand it. We hear the phrase “That’s counter-intuitive”. What does that mean?
Just what is intuition? Many people think of intuition as just hunches or strong feelings that we should or should not do something, but intuition can be so much more than that. Intuition is a human potential. (Click Here to read more)

Our Potential To Receive/Access Intuitive Knowledge
Are you excited about the rapidly changing world we are in? As you know, we are now in the midst of the biggest transformation the world has ever seen. This transformation is happening in all areas of our lives. It is affecting each of us on a personal level. It will also affect organizations, governments, countries – the entire world. (Read the rest of the article – click Here)

By Bobbie Stevens
Many of us have heard stories of people in many different walks of life who just knew things? Did you ever wonder how they knew or have you experienced just knowing? I did, and have spent considerable amount of time questioning and exploring just knowing. Here is some of what I know.
We all have two ways of gaining knowledge. Both are potential, and must be developed. These ways of knowing are known as intellectual and intuitive. (Read the full Article Here)

By Bobbie Stevens
We are all aging regardless of where we are in the process. And we are all being affected by world beliefs.
Could our beliefs about aging be just another incorrect world belief that we have believed and consequently experienced?
What is age? Is age just the number of years we have been here on earth? Or does it mean something much more? It seems that we have a whole structure build around beliefs about what happens as we have been here a longer period of time. (Read the full Article Here)

Do You Have Enough Money?
By Bobbie Stevens
I am willing to speculate that a majority of people answered NO to this question.
Why do we believe in lack? – Because we have experienced it. – Why have we experienced it? – Because we believed in it. This is how the creative process works. ( Read the full Article Here)

Massive crises have one great advantage: They show you where you stand. The sight can be distressing and shocking. But it would be wrong to say “Who knew?” We all knew.
Originally Published by SF Gate
In this country, you’d have to be willfully ignorant to not know about racism, police brutality, income inequality, global warming, the staggering cost of medical care, and the rapacious activity of huge international corporations. (Click Here to read the full article.)