Intuition Mastery
Leveraging It – Developing It – Trusting It!

Many of us have heard stories of people in many different walks of life who just knew things? Did you ever wonder how they knew or have you experienced just knowing?
Intuition is how Universal Intelligence (all knowledge) communicates with us. Universal Intelligence is the intelligence that guides each of us and the entire universe. We are all connected to Universal Intelligence, but most are unaware of this or denied it.
Everything new comes to someone intuitively.
Bobbie recently wrote an article on the subject of Intuition – it provides some great insight in to its origins and value. Click Here to read the full article
Unlimited Futures is offering several specific programs on the subject of Intuition. They range from a four hour Intuitve Intensive to a six month Intuition Mastery Program. With a focus on serving entrepreneuers and CEO’s, these offerings will be one-on-one sessions directly with Dr. Stevens.
If you or someone you know has an interest in learning more, contact Patricia at 612.876.7964 today!