By Bobbie Stevens, Ph. D.
When you think about Nature, what comes to mind? Do you think about the beauty of nature, beautiful sunsets, flowers, trees, a walk through the woods? Or do you think about the power of nature, the storms, the winds, the floods, etc.?
Nature is all of that and much more. Nature is both beautiful and powerful – so are you. Nature has creative power – so do you. We affect nature and nature affects us. There are Laws of Nature that shows us how it works. We are not separate from nature, and if we align ourselves with nature, we can create whatever we choose.
Nature provides us with a pattern for creating. Everything we see in the world around us is copied from nature. As we align ourselves with nature, we are able to access the knowledge we need to fulfill our purpose.
Nature is clearly in charge. There are laws of nature that govern how creation is created. When we align ourselves with these principles, we are able to consciously create whatever we choose. We are able to see through the false beliefs of the past, and understand that we are a part of nature and nature is a part of us. Nature operates through us and we operate through nature.
We can feel when we are aligned with nature. When we are aligned with nature, life just feels right, comfortable and enjoyable. When we are not aligned with nature, we feel discontent, uneasy.
We can become aware of Laws of Nature, also known as Principles of Life, by observing what works and what doesn’t. In the past we believed we had to intellectually figure it out. Now we know that by developing our heart abilities we can receive this knowledge intuitively.
We and nature are love, intelligence and energy, as is everyone and everything in existence. We, as well as nature, are creators. We are creating our own lives and the world; nature is in charge of the entire universe. We simply have to align ourselves with it.
- Are you aware of your power and creative ability?
- Do you feel like your life is in alignment with nature?
- Do you feel like you are living your life on purpose?
- Are you feeling contentment and joy, or do you feel like you are not aligned with yourself and nature?
When we feel like we are living our lives on purpose, we are content. When we don’t, we feel uncomfortable. That feeling is just to show us that we need to align ourself with nature.
We work with 7 Principles of Life in our courses. There are many, but if you understand these 7, you will gain a clear understanding of how to align yourself with them, expand your awareness of who you are, how you function, your purpose and how to accomplish it. I became aware of these principles of nature intuitively, and so can you. But I, and everyone I know, had to develop our ability to access intuitive knowledge.
One of the false beliefs of the past is that we can control nature. It has now become very obvious that is not true. Nature is clearly in charge. We cannot control it, but we do influence it with our level of awareness and our behavior.
If you are ready to develop your ability to access intuitive knowledge and align yourself with nature, we are here to help you.