By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
Are you aware of your heart abilities?
We all have heart abilities, but we have mostly ignored them. We have developed our intellect, and it has brought us to where we are now. Science is an intellectual pursuit, and it has now proven that our past and present world view is false. We can expand our awareness to include a more advanced way to live our lives and, as a result, create a completely different world. This awareness is what we call the new science.
Using the intellect, we discovered we have heart abilities that are more powerful than our brain or intellectual abilities. We have always had these abilities, but we were unaware of their value and power. Today, we know we have both brain and heart abilities. Due to this new science, we are aware of our need to develop our heart abilities.
Let’s take a look at some of these heart abilities. Every new creation starts with a desire. What do you want? What are you interested in doing? Your desires relate to your purpose for being here. Are you clear about what is important to you? What do you care about?
What is your purpose? We have many purposes during our life. Each creation starts with a desire, but before you can fulfill it, you need to “care” about it. Caring is a heart ability. How much do care? How much are you capable of caring? Is caring a heart ability you need to develop?
To create what you want you need another heart ability. That heart ability is “imagination.” If you cannot even imagine it, how could you create it? Your ability to imagine is the basis of all innovation. Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
In the past, we were taught imagination was useless. Can you remember daydreaming when you were in grade school and having your parent tell you to “Stop day dreaming, and do your homework”? This message clearly conveyed imagination is not valuable, only knowledge is valuable! Today, we know better.
That brings us to beliefs. Our beliefs create our experiences, and our experiences validate our beliefs, so round and round we go, creating the same things or similar things over and over. Do you believe you have the ability to consciously create whatever you want? Here is where we need another heart ability to see beyond the intellect. That heart ability is intuition. The intellect has served us well, but it is limited. This is why we are at this point in our evolution now.
In the past we did not realize the intellect was limited. We believed whatever the problem was, we could figure it out. Right?
We are now becoming increasingly aware of the limits of the intellect. It can follow a cause-and-effect relationship so far. Then the intellect gets lost in the complexity, and we are then left guessing.
It is now clear, many of our guesses were wrong. They did not produce the desired results. This is bringing on the need for huge changes in both our lives and the world.
Now is the time to develop our ability to intuitively receive knowledge. Intuitively we can see and understand wholeness or the big picture. The intellect cannot do this. Can you distinguish the difference between the intellect and intuition? Are you able to ask questions, and receive your answer intuitively? This is another heart ability that we must develop.
I developed this ability years ago, without knowing what I was doing. I am sure it happened for me because I cared and had such a powerful desire to know. It clearly gave me my purpose. It is why I founded Unlimited Futures. I am here today to help you develop your heart abilities.