By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
When positive change occurs on any level, the old established way of functioning resists it, and usually causes some disruption. This Is what we call “chemicalization.”
This word came from the observation of what happens on a chemical level when you mix opposing chemicals. A huge commotion takes place, sometimes even an explosion, but when the commotion settles you have something of a higher order.
This is what is happening in the world today. It can be extremely uncomfortable and frightening if you do not understand what is happening and why, but I am here to help you understand it is just a necessary part of huge transformation we are experiencing now.
This happens to individuals when they change their beliefs and ways of living. It happens to organizations when a better product or service is introduced. It happens in governments when a forward-thinking concept is adopted. It is simply the nature of change.
The chaos we have all been experiencing in recent years is simply the commotions and explosions inherent in all positive change. When we understand this, it helps us move forward and continue bringing in our new discoveries.
Scientists have proven that the old theories and concepts we were all taught are not true, and they have discovered a whole new understanding of how life works. We now know in order to create the kind of lives we want for ourselves, the kind of businesses for the future, and the kind of world we want to live in, requires major changes in all areas of our lives.
It has become obvious our old ways of functioning are not working, and in order to move forward we must change. It is our resistance to change that creates the chemicalization.
The chaos we are experiencing today is just a natural, necessary part of positive change. We must let go of the old before we can move into this more advanced level of functioning that will create our future.
Our job now is to create a new mind-set and re-create the world with the new science we have discovered. The fact that we are in the world today means we are all on the team to accomplish this task. I am sure you have been on teams before. Each team member has something to contribute, and everyone must contribute for the team to be successful.
Are you clear about your role or contribution to the team? Our role or contribution is to help you with that. You can reach us at UnlimitedFutures.org.