Spiritual Insights Home Study Course
Spiritual Insight Home Studies Course
This 9 session course is provided with individual chapters, 13 CD’s and a collection of references and study guides. It provides an understanding to move beyond struggle and create a life of love, harmony, joy and abundance. The course weaves together the nine insights of The Celestine Prophecy, the foundational principals of Unlimited Futures and The New Understanding of the Ten Commandments.
Introduction to The Spiritual Insights Home Study Course
Welcome to the Spiritual Insights Home Study Course. Here I would like to give you an overview of what this course is about, how it works and how it came to be.
When I graduated from college I started my career by working my way up in our family business, which was in agriculture (see resume in section one of this workbook). After a few years in the business my first wife was told by the doctors that she had an incurable illness. One day a young lady knocked on our door and told us there was hope for my wife by working with a Christian Science practitioner. We found a practitioner; started working with her and after a few visits my wife was healed.
After this experience I became very curious about how Christian Scientists heal. My wife was naturally very impressed and decided to become a Christian Science practitioner herself. My curiosity continued to mount, and I started thinking about things that I had heard in my bringing up in the Methodist faith. I wondered what Jesus meant when he said, “The things I do, you can do also, and even greater things”. This started my search into the meaning of life, and what the possibilities might be.
I wanted to understand religions and why there were so many of them, where they came from, and how they came to be. This led me back to school where I earned a doctorate in theology and wrote my doctoral dissertation on comparative religions. In this process I studied most all sacred writings and the religions that developed from them.
Looking at religions from this prospective sheds a whole new light on why they exist and how they came about. I put together the chronological order of sacred writings and the chronological order of religions, which I have included in this course so you too can view this from an expanded prospective. It seems to me that most people are only aware of the beliefs of the religious group that they were brought up in. This course is about expanding our awareness and looking at The Ten Commandments from a different point of view.
In my search for the truth I discovered the works of Dr. George M. Lamsa, an authority on ancient Eastern manuscripts. He spent his life on research and study of the original Aramaic version of the Bible. You will find details about his life and works in chapter one of this workbook. He discovered that there were over 12,000 mistakes made through the many translations into our King James Version of the Bible.
There are also numerous idioms, sayings that do not mean what they say literally, but were understood by the people of that time and place, which were translated to be a literal statement. An example of idioms that we use would be something like “Born with a silver spoon in his mouth,” or “Babe Ruth died on third base,” or “Break a leg”.
As a result of these interpretations here we are exploring a whole new understanding of the Ten Commandments.
My curiosity also brought me to the study of theology and science. Why should there be a huge difference between science and theology? Both fields are trying to find the answer to the same question: “How does life, all of it including the cosmos, really work?” It seems to me that when the answer is found, the answer will be the same, though it might be explained in different terms.
After many experiences and changes in my life, I met my present wife, and she told me that I had been looking in the wrong direction for the answers to my questions. Bobbie had made a discovery a number of years before I met her that had totally changed her life. She had discovered a process for releasing stress that also refines the energy in the mind/body system which allows one to bring the individual conscious mind to merge with the super-conscious (our source, universal intelligence). She had what Dr. Abraham Maslow calls a “peak experience,” which he describes as an experience where one can see the entire universe, know its workings and their place in it.
Bobbie explained to me that all the answers are right within ourselves, we just have to learn how to access them. It soon became clear to me that Bobbie had found something internally that was not possible to access through the intellect, the process that I had been pursuing.
Shortly after we met, Bobbie founded Unlimited Futures LLC, an organization that provides programs for the development of human potential. Thousands of people have now participated in these courses with outstanding results including myself.
She explained to me that we are all creating our own experiences and that there are laws of nature or principles of life that govern how we do that, and if we understand them and live in harmony with them we can create whatever we choose.
I immediately wanted to experience this and she began helping me to do just that. She proved to me how the principles worked when she asked me if I could create my ideal job what would it be like. As I got clear about what I wanted to create, I told her that such a job didn’t exist. She said it would once we created it. She explained that there are 7 steps in the creative process. We worked through them all and I created exactly what I was envisioning.
It was a job with unlimited funds at my disposal to do research into how thought and consciousness affects all aspects of life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Shortly thereafter I became the director of a research foundation where I was doing just that for 7 years.
At that point I decided to leave the foundation and work with my wife, Dr. Bobbie Stevens. I begin facilitating some of the courses. Since the participants knew of my background in Theology they started asking me about how what they had learned related to their religions. That is when I started providing programs in Spiritual Insights.
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