By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
Are you living your life on purpose? Is your work fulfilling? Do you Love what you do? Or do you do it to make the money that allows you to do what you love? Is your work stressful or enjoyable? Please ask yourself these questions.
Each of us has a purpose, and we are guided to our purpose by our interests. What interests you? If you knew you could, what would you really like to do? Consider this for a minute. Maybe you would like to make some improvements in your field? Can you imagine work that could be fun and rewarding?
When we are aware of our purpose and live our lives accordingly, life can be very enjoyable and rewarding.
In the past we have been taught untrue theories and concepts that have brought us to what we are experiencing now. The new science has proven that nothing works the way we have believed it does. It shows us that we are not separate from each other and Nature.
We are all units or parts of one body, or we could say one world or universe. And we all have a purpose in creating a healthy, well-functioning body/world.
We each have a purpose, and the world cannot be complete without each of us fulfilling our purpose. You could think of it like a gig saw puzzle. Each piece is necessary to create the picture, regardless of size, shape, color. Just like these pieces, we are all here for a purpose that only we can fill.
The puzzle, or world, we are creating is in energy, which we now know is everything in existence on the material level. We are a part of the puzzle, and we are also putting this puzzle together. It is going to be very exciting to see the big picture when all the pieces are in place. We are creating a new world. You have a significant role in it. Are you aware of what it is?
The new science is telling us that we have abilities, that we have not developed, to help us remember our purpose and provide us with a way to see wholeness, or the big picture. Our intellects are not capable of doing this, but we can develop our intuition. It can provide us with the ability to see beyond the physical. It can also provide us with knowledge that we forgot or were never aware of before.
Would this ability be important? Can you see how you could become more valuable in all areas of your life if you developed this ability? Another ability we have not recognized the value of, is our imagination. A well-developed imagination can see the new world. Einstein said, “Imagination is mor important is knowledge.”
Are you ready to expand your awareness of the new science that is showing us we have many abilities that we have yet to develop? Is it important to you to function at the highest level available to you?
Since we now know we are all connected, how we see the world matters. It not only affects us personally, but it affects all of us.
What we see changes in relationship to our vantage point. Have you ever driven by the front of a building for days, then one day take a different road and see that building from the back, it looks vastly different, doesn’t it?
The world also looks quite different to us in relationship to our perspective, which is affected by our level of awareness. If we are stuck in the old science, believing the untrue theories of separateness, we will see a world in complete chaos.
However, if we can see it from the awareness of the possibilities that are now available for us, we will see a completely different world, and a completely unique way of functioning in it.
If you would like to explore the new science, develop your abilities to become one of the new species that will be creating this new world, and boost your VIP status, we would love to talk with you.