
Spiritual Insights helps people discover a whole new understanding of God, of energy, and of who we are. It is literally the dawning of a whole new day of understanding, a whole new day of spiritual insights.

Spiritual Insights provides a whole new understanding of the nature of God, the nature of energy, and a new realization of who we are.
My intent is to bridge the gap between science, religion and spirituality. Each of these disciplines is seeking the answers to the same questions, while coming from different perspectives. My desire is to uncover the underlying thread that connects all three.
In my study of theology and comparative religions, I put together two very important papers about the history of sacred writings and religions. One is the chronological sequence of sacred writings, and the other is the chronological sequence of religions. I think it is very helpful to understand when and how sacred writings were written and by whom, and the origin of all the different religions, how and when they came about. This knowledge allows us to look at these things from a more enlightened perspective.
In studying the works of George Lamsa, who translated the Bible from the original Aramaic writing, I discovered that many mistakes have been made through the many translation of the Bible.
Through my study of physics, I found many connections between scientific discoveries and spiritual discoveries made by more enlightened people.
My desire now is to bring to light a new understanding of many of the things that we have been lead to believe in the past. Could there be a deeper understanding of reality than what we have known about?
If you are open to exploring the possibility of a whole new understanding of what we have been seeking through science, religion and spirituality, you are in the right place.
When we use the words “I Am” we are activating several of the basic laws of nature.
Mind energy directs physical energy.
The law of attraction and repulsion – what you send out comes back. We now know that everything in existence is vibrating energy, basically the first basic Law of Nature, “Everything in existence is Love expressing intelligently through energy,” which includes all of us. As we become aware of who we are, and how these principles work, we can see that whatever we put behind the words “I Am” will inevitably manifest in our life experiences.
The name I take when I am speaking of myself is “I Am.” But when we speak to others the name is “You Are.” When we speak of any group in which we are a part of, we use the name “We Are.” When we speak to someone else the name is “He Is,” or “She Is,” or “They Are.” And when we speak of the universe in a general way the name is “It Is.”
Every single one of us uses these words in one form or another several times every day. Now we can begin to see the power of what we are thinking or saying.
Every time we think or feel or say, “I Am,” we should remind ourselves; I am activating the only power there is, the creative power of everything (the Universal Mind).
This is the Spirit in every person and every atom of the universe. When we take the name “I Am”, the whole universe springs to attention because it is a Principle of the Universe and a Law of Nature.
We need to be very careful when we use these terms for they wield a power beyond our comprehension.
What, might we ask, is the difference between spirituality and religion? Below is my definition of each. My new book, “A New Understanding of the Ten Commandments” is concerned with spirituality, not religion.
Spirituality – Living in harmony with the Laws of Nature that underlie all material existence. Spirituality is about a state of Being within everyone.
Religion – An organization within a society. Webster defines it as: (1) The service and worship of God or the super natural; (2) devotion to a religious faith; (3) an organized system of faith and worship; (4) a set of beliefs and practices.

Did You Know The Ten Commandments were originally written to be a guide to living your life in peace, harmony, and the fulfillment of your desires?
Dr. Portinga provides a fresh insight to these “Key” Scriptures!!

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