By Bobbie Stevens, Ph. D.
What do you think the purpose of the Coronavirus Pandemic is?
It has been my experience that everything has a purpose, and when that purpose is accomplished, it goes away.
Before the pandemic we were going full speed ahead down a road of self-destruction for our entire planet.
- We had created a world so stressful people all around the world were losing their ability to reason. This created violence everywhere, and it got so bad that people were killing other people at the workplace, at large gatherings, even children in school and people in church.
- We were polluting our environment, our water, our air – the earth.
- This list could go on and on, but we all experienced it. We have clearly been on a path of self-destruction.
To save us from ourselves and to save the planet we had to be stopped. The coronavirus stopped us! It gave us some time to think about what we were doing and to start asking some important questions.
What is life really all about?
Is this the kind of life I want?
What is a better way?
Some changes started occurring. Some people made different choices, but it has not been enough to see major changes yet.
What if, in addition to stopping us from self-destruction, the Coronavirus came to awaken us to the realization that we are all connected – that what affects any of us affects all of us? We are ALL experiencing the virus, not just certain countries.
Could it be we have all been taught untrue beliefs about who we are and what is possible for us?
We have been fortunate enough to develop vaccines that are controlling the virus, but we are living in a fear based and motivated society. In the past, and still today, we do most of what we do out of fear. Think about it.
Some people got the vaccine because they were afraid of getting the coronavirus and maybe dying.
Other people were afraid that getting the vaccine could cause something worse than the virus.
Both choices are fear based. What if we were able to move out of fear, or overcome it? What if we are now awakening or evolving into a new understanding of who we are? What if we embrace the authentic power we have within ourselves to overcome fear and create a love based and motivated life and world?
This is what I, and many others, believe is happening around the world today. Scientists have proven many of the things we have been taught are not true, and that we are now evolving from what they are calling the 4th dimension into the 5th dimension.
As we evolve from one dimension to a higher dimension, our awareness is expanded to a greater understanding of who we are. To date we have always been living in a fear based society, but what if we are now overcoming fear and moving into love-based lives? Are we creating a love-based world?
If we were coming from love rather than fear, what would we do about the coronavirus vaccine? We are pretty sure if enough people got the vaccine that would stop it.
Could it be the coronavirus pandemic will be with us until we care enough about each other that we get the vaccine, not out of fear of any kind, but out of love of each other or all of humanity?
What do you think?