By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
We are going through the greatest transformation the world has ever seen, as more and more people are becoming aware we have built our lives around untrue beliefs and theories. Science has proven this to be the case.
According to scientist Stephen Harding, about 400 years ago during the scientific revolution science and soul were drastically separated, propelling humanity into centuries of a valuable yet one-sided style of empiricism and rationality which has fundamentally disconnected us from each other and from nature. In this perspective, there is no room for the soul, or for the development of empathy, intuition and feeling in relation to nature. This tragic separation is at the root of the serious ecological, climatic, and psychological crisis which we currently experience all over the planet. Now, for the first time, we have access to detailed scientific knowledge of the dynamics of the Earth.
Science has now proven everyone and everything in existence is connected. They have clearly proven we each create our own experiences, and together, we create world experiences. Now is a time of huge changes, a time to let go of beliefs, theories, and practices of the past since science has proven them to be untrue. We have experienced that they did not produce the desired results. It is time to make necessary changes in our thinking and our behavior.
What we are experiencing today is a necessary part of the evolutionary process. The past has brought us to this point where we are able to expand our awareness, and gain a whole new understanding of every aspect of our lives. This shift in energy is allowing us to discover that we have far greater abilities than we ever dreamed of before.
Many people are now aware of the new possibilities and are making different choices. They are discovering their power to consciously create what they choose. This includes the fact that each of us is creating our own experiences as a result of the choices we are making.
In the past we believed our brains were all we had, or needed, to create the lives we wanted for ourselves. We now have discovered we have heart abilities that are even more powerful than our brain abilities. In the past we tried to ignore our heart’s input. Abilities of the heart include desire, caring, imagination, intuition, and creativity. We ignored this input in favor of the mind abilities like analysis, reason and logic, linier thinking, and verbal communication.
We have now discovered we need both. We each have brains and hearts, and to fulfill our needs and desires the brain and heart must be aligned with each other. We must create a compatible relationship between them.
The brain is where our beliefs are stored and these beliefs guide our thoughts, which in the past, we used to override our feeling. Thoughts create form in energy, but our heart (feelings) provide the momentum, the power. We can do things with the brain only, but they only become alive when the feeling, heart – desire and caring are involved.
In the past we were unaware of the value of these heart abilities. We had not developed them, and were taught to ignore them or think of them as useless. More and more people are becoming aware of the value of their heart abilities every day, which is one of the primary factors in bringing about this transformation.
Developing our heart abilities is a major shift that will move us into a much more advanced species of humanity. In addition to developing our heart abilities, we are becoming aware of the need for aligning the brain and the heart, creating a compatible relationship between the two. To do this, we will have to reprogram our beliefs. We will only let go of the old beliefs when we are convinced, they are no longer true or beneficial.
Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” We now know this is true, but in order for our visions (imagination) to manifest in the material world, we must convince the brain our visions are real, and will be our future. This requires a clear intention powered by the strength of our desire and willingness to do whatever it takes to manifest our vision.
Just the fact that you are here in the world today means that you have a role to play in this huge transformation. Things are possible for us today we could not even imagine a few years ago. Will you move forward and discover what this could mean for you, or will you insist on holding on to the old untrue beliefs because that is what is comfortable for you?
You get to choose. What will you choose to do? Are you excited about the wonderful new opportunities this provides for all of us?
The past is past and will never come back. The old beliefs and theories did not work, as observed from the fact that Nature had to stop us from destroying ourselves.
If you choose to move forward and take your place in the new society of the more advanced species of people being created now, we are here to welcome you on board. We will support you in making new choices for yourself and be a part of creating a new world that works for all of us.