By Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
Are you old enough to remember when the first robots were invented?
I remember everyone was genuinely concerned. They were so afraid robots would take their jobs and people wouldn’t have a way to make a living.
It turns out it was a ligament concern because what we have been taught and been programmed to believe has actually created human robots. Robots just do what they are programmed to do. We were also programmed to do what we were told to do. When we go through our lives, not questioning, just doing what we have been programmed to do, we become human robots.
Are you a human robot? It is highly unlikely, because if you were, you wouldn’t be reading this.
After experiencing all the chaos we have experienced over the last few years, many of us have taken the time to question what we have been taught. And we are awakening to the realization that what we have been taught in the past was based on incorrect theories, concepts, and beliefs.
We have discovered we are actually creating our own experiences, and all of us together, are creating world experiences with our beliefs, and the choices we make.
Our programming led us to create these lives and world we are experiencing today. People around the world are now questioning and making different choices. This has created a shift in consciousness that is ushering in the greatest transformation the world has ever seen, and we are all a part of it. We are now evolving into a more advanced species of humanity.
We no longer need to be concerned about robots taking our jobs because we are evolving into a completely different kind of people. We are becoming people who can use robots but are not one. We are discovering we have talents and abilities we were not aware we had nor were we aware of the value of them. The more we question and choose to take charge of our own lives, the faster we become one of the new species.
Let’s take a look at some of the differences between the human robot era and the new species era. In the human robot era, we were controlled by fear, and a believed others controlled our lives and futures.
In the new species era, we are guided by love. We know ourselves as the creators of our own experiences and a contributor to creating world experiences.
In the past (human robot era)
- We had scary thoughts like “What if I lose my job?” and all kind of “What if” thoughts. (Belief in outside control)
The new species thoughts are quite different. We know we are creators, and we are creating the experiences of our lives, therefore, the thoughts are about getting clear about what we chose to create.
- Programmed era – Thoughts like “What can I do to make the most money?
The new species thoughts like “What would I love to do be of service”?
- Programmed era – We believe we must compete with others and perform better than them to be successful. This produces fearful thoughts about our abilities.
The new species thoughts are something like “I am really good at what I do, and I love it”
Do these things sound like Pollyanna to you?
What we are discovering as we develop our less-developed abilities, is we are creating our experiences, and there is nothing outside of us that can interfere with the fulfillment of our choices. In the future we will be experiencing things we can’t even imagine at this point in time.
We are evolving into a completely different way of seeing the world and functioning in it. Future generations will find it hard to believe we ever existed, but we are the generation to usher in this new awareness for each of us and all of us.
If you would like help in letting go of your programming and developing your less-developed abilities we are here to help you.