I am well aware of the pain and total devastation that many people are experiencing during this pandemic. I lost my husband to cancer 4 years ago and it was totally devastating. At the time I couldn’t see how the world could go on without him. And I certainly didn’t think I could. But the world went on and so did I.
We have all experienced tragedy and lived through it – no matter how painful.
But one thing I learned is that it doesn’t help to keep focusing on the problem.
Over time I also realized that every experience we have, no matter how painful, provides an opportunity for our growth.
There is a reason for every experience, and an opportunity for growth. This coronavirus is no exception.
We said Mother Nature called a “time out”. She sent us to our rooms to consider our behavior. So let’s do that.
I will use the word “we” to mean the collective we – world consciousness or the ruling majority. I am going to share with you some of what scientists have discovered over the last 20 years. I am not going to give you specific data on the studies. I am presuming that you want to know what they discovered rather than how they did it, but at the end I will give you a list of places where you can find that if you want.
Maybe we should start by looking at Mother Nature. Obviously, she is in charge.
When we think of Nature, we usually think of things like the trees, water, flowers – things that humans can’t create. We believe that we are separate from Nature and we create everything else all by ourselves. Are we separate, and do we create anything all by ourselves?
There has been a faction of our society from around the world that has realized that there are many world beliefs that are not serving us well and are not true. Fortunately some of these people were scientists, and their research totally overturns previous world beliefs about the world and how it works.
Let’s look at what scientists have discovered. First they discovered that “Everyone and everything in existence is connected”. That debunks the belief that we are separate from Nature.
That means that there is just one large body that contains all of existence and everyone and everything is a part of it.
I am going to call this larger body “Nature”. It has been called many different names, like the Universe, the Wholeness of Life or God. But regardless of what we call it. It is simply all there is. So, let’s see what scientists have discovered that Nature or this Wholeness is.
Einstein discovered many years ago that the substance of existence is energy in different forms, vibrating at different frequencies.
Einstein also discovered the Unified Field, and more recent scientists have refined his theory. Again it is called by different names by different scientists, but what they have all discovered is that there is a field of intelligence that contains all knowledge – everything that is, everything that ever was and everything that ever will be. This field carries the information that moves and forms energy.
Then there is the power source. Scientists usually call it the unknown. I call it Love.
Therefore, everyone and everything in existence is Love, Intelligence and Energy. That is also who we are.
So, Nature, all there is, is Love, Intelligence and Energy.
Now let’s look at our role in Nature or this wholeness. As Love, Intelligence and Energy we are also creators. We create through our thoughts, feelings, attention and actions. Scientists tell us that our thoughts are electromagnetic energy waves. The thought is the information and it is magnetic and attracts to itself other energy that matches it. That is how we create.
Therefore, we create our own experiences through our thoughts, feelings, attention and actions. And all of us together create world experiences the same way.
Einstein said “The world is nothing more and nothing less than the collective thoughts of all the people”.
Our beliefs guide our thoughts, feelings, attention and actions. We now know that many world beliefs are not true and those beliefs have lead us to create things in our own lives that do not fulfilling our desires.
Since these beliefs are world beliefs, they are beliefs that people around the world have been taught and has caused us to behave accordingly.
Even though this research has been made public, the majority of people have just kept moving full speed ahead living their lives guided by the old beliefs, teachings and behavior.
And those beliefs and behavior have created the world we find ourselves in now. The world where we are experiencing climate change, so much pain, suffering and stress that addiction if running rampant, some people are losing their ability to reason and are killing children in school, people at concerts, work, church and all kind of social gatherings and expressing road rage on the streets.
No wonder Nature called a time out for us.
We are clearly at a cross roads between extension and evolution. Will we continue down the path that has brought us to this point? Or will this experience of the coronavirus pandemic awaken us to the need to evolve. Will we let go of the old beliefs and behavior and expand our awareness of who we are? Will we discover our role in creating our experiences and world experiences? And will we discover how the world works?
Atlantis was an ancient civilization that destroyed itself. The people of that time were highly advanced in their technology, maybe far beyond where we are today. But they became extinct. They just disappeared; they were wiped off the face of the earth.
Were we traveling down the road to becoming another Atlantis?
Einstein said, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”.
Before the pandemic you could see a family out for dinner with each of them on their phones. People were really not communicating. I once even saw a couple on a date on their phones.
I observed people becoming less and less capable of carrying on a conversation, and they were unaware of what was happening to them. Even a phone call or an e mail was becoming too time consuming. Just send a text. All real human connections were breaking down. Life was becoming more and more mechanical.
Our technology has continued to progress, but what about our humanity? Is it time to focus on our humanity?
I was thrilled to see some of the things that are happening in the world now.
We saw Love being expressed in so many people and so many places. For example,
1. All the medical staff around the world that showed up to care for the people that have been infected with the virus.
2. All the people who were in essential work to make it possible for the rest of us to stay home and not spread the virus.
3. All the support and recognition these people got from others around the world.
4. So many people helping others navigate through this challenge.
I hope you saw the program that was carried on all the major TV channels supporting the World Health Organization. The title was “One World Together At Home”. Entertainers from around the world, all in their own homes, performed together to entertain all the rest of us that were also confined to our homes. It was beautiful.
It is clear that many people are waking up to the realization that we are all connected and what affects any of us affects all of us.
A huge shift is taking place moving us from a world ruled by fear to a world ruled by love. People around the world are becoming aware of the power of Love.
For as long as any of us can remember the world has been ruled by fear. Governments build up arms so other countries would fear them. Churches have ruled the masses by promoting the fear of punishment from God. Many organizations have ruled their employees with fear. It has been just how things have worked, and we have all accepted it.
When I was in high school many years ago, and I don’t think it has changed much, there were gangs fighting each other simply because they lived in different parts of town or communities.
The world belief was that if other people were not just like us and lived where we did then they must be enemies.
This attitude that was prevalent in high school was taught to the teens from families that were also taught that, and it showed up in businesses, governments and countries.
That belief, of course, originated from the world belief that we are separate, that some of us are better than others. We were taught that we have to be able to compete with others, somehow be better. There is us and them, good guys and bad guys, winners and losers.
There are, of course, people who do bad things, but that is not because they are bad people, but because they are not aware of who they are. All people are Love, Intelligence and Energy.
These beliefs are world beliefs, they are beliefs that people around the world have been taught and has caused us to behave accordingly.
I watch the evening news on TV, and before the coronavirus almost every night we got news about mass murders in our country and around the world.
We had created a world so stressful that we could no longer live in it. Some people had lost their ability to cope. They felt helpless, hopeless and angry. They had lost their ability to reason and they believed that someone else was responsible for their situation – the bad guys, whoever they determined that to be.
These untrue world beliefs lead to our behavior and we have created the world we find ourselves in the world where children were being killed in school, people at concerts, work, church and all kind of social gatherings and even expressing road rage on the streets.
Now even though we are still hearing about deaths every day we are also hearing about love, caring and appreciation.
I want to share with you one of my blessings from our “Time Out” due to the virus. May 1st was my birthday and I stayed right at home and had a wonderful birthday.
I spent the entire day just answering the phone, e mails and texts from people wishing me a Happy Birthday. I had some great talks with friends I haven’t talked with lately. In all my birthdays, I have never had so many people find the time to wish me a Happy Birthday. One of my friends and a neighbor even baked me a beautiful birthday cake and brought it over with a beautiful dinner she made for me. When you can get this kind of love and attention just home alone, who needs to go out?
I get business news daily from Bob Prichard and he always includes a joke. One he shared was, “The electricity went out in our community. My computer was down, none of my devices worked. Even my cell phone wasn’t working, the golf course was closed. What to do? So, I just sat down and talked with my wife. She seems like a nice person.”
A joke, but that was the direction before the “Time Out”.
The time out and staying home, forced people to talk to family members, and I have heard that some people had a difficult time adjusting to doing that again. Parents had to talk to their children, and children had to talk to their parents. They even had to eat together. That was something that had become uncommon in many families.
Many people had time alone for the first time in a very long time, Time to think about important questions like “What is life really all about?” “Why am I here?” “What kind of life do I really want?” We all have lots of questions, but if we stay busy enough we can avoid thinking about them.
We were even forced to think about “death”. On some level we know that we will all experience it at some point. But it was one of the things we tried to avoid thinking about and for sure “let’s not talk about it” was our attitude. But we were forced to think about it and even talk about it.
Another question that came up for me years ago when I was alone and thinking about it, was “Is there more to life than I or anyone I know have experienced?”
When we take the time to ask ourselves these questions we begin to receive knowledge intuitively. It is the stress in our lives and our limited beliefs that blocks our ability to see and understand the meaning and possibilities of our lives.
When enough of us awaken to the realization that we are not separate from each other or Nature, and realize that what affects any of us affects all of us, we will begin to see everything from a different perspective.
As I mentioned before, we are in the middle of the biggest transformation the world has ever seen. And as more and more of us awaken to the realization that incorrect world beliefs have created the world, we find ourselves in now, we will take the time to question our beliefs and realize that we can change them and create a much different world for ourselves.
How long will this pandemic last? How long do you think it will take for enough people to awaken to the realization that what we have focused our attention on is just the outer world? And begin to become aware of the fact that something created this outer world. And that it is time to focus our attention on our inner world, our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, attention, choices and actions.
I did not get my first understanding of Nature and how the world works from the scientific studies that have been done, though I have read most of them.
Many years ago I had an experience that totally changed my life. All the things that scientists have discovered over the years were revealed to me, and I have been working with them and sharing them with others for many years. I share that experience in most of my books. And it has been very interesting for me to watch scientists discovering these things.
There have been some people throughout history that have had this knowledge. Most of them have been mystics. I do not consider myself a mystic or a scientist but I have had experiences of both. And I had no idea “why me” except that I really wanted to know and I just kept asking.
My late husband, Dr. Dean Portinga, had doctorates in theology, psychology and divinity. He had studied sacred writings throughout history and when, how and with whom all religions were started. When I met him and shared my experience or revelation with him, he said that what I had discovered is what all sacred writings throughout history have been trying to tell us.
Years before I met him I had completely given up on religion, but he said both religion and science are looking for truth and regardless of the route to get there we will all end up at the same place.
At one point he was the director a research foundation that was doing research on how thought and consciousness affects all aspects of life. When the Foundation closed he came to work with me at Unlimited Futures. His division was Spiritual Insights and he felt his purpose was to bridge the gap between religion and science by showing how the things I had discovered related to sacred writings.
As I mentioned earlier, sadly he passed away in January 2016, but we still carry his book on “A New Understanding of the 10 Commandments” and his Home Study Course on the Unlimited Futures web site at
I was very fortunate years ago to be single with no children and a job that gave me lots of free time. I was very lonely. I certainly didn’t consider myself fortunate at the time, but now I clearly know that it was a huge blessing.
I had done all the things I was taught to do to make one happy and successful. I wasn’t unhappy or unsuccessful, but there was something missing. I felt an emptiness inside that I learned couldn’t be filled with relationships or entertainment. Have you ever felt that?
I had time to think about my life and ask questions. Why doing what I was told had not produced the promised results? Why did things just happen without any apparent reason? What is life really all about? Why am I here?
All these are important questions that I think we all have from time to time, but they are kind of scary and make us uncomfortable. So, we just try to ignore them. If we stay busy enough we won’t have to think about them.
But I was fortunate enough not to be able to get that busy, even though I tried. I usually had at least a couple of jobs, studies, entertainment, friends and dating, but none of it filled that emptiness and the questions wouldn’t go away.
I finally took the time to stop running and contemplate these questions. Those questions and more came. Do things just happen? Do we have anything to do with creating our experiences? I really, really wanted know how it all works.
Once I was willing to ask questions and just be quite and listen, I was guided to the process that I discovered allowed me to receive answers to my questions and discover the power that all of us have to consciously create whatever we choose.
The coronavirus pandemic has given you this opportunity to stop and question. Is it time to think about all the questions that you have usually wanted to avoid?
Is our “time out” over? Memorial Day week-end just ended, and people were out in droves celebrating. My condo is right on the Gulf of Mexico and there were droves of boats out celebrating with more people on them than was safe for boating much less safe for protecting against coronavirus.
What will we learn from pretending that the coronavirus has gone away when we know it hasn’t?
Evidently many people have not used their “time out” wisely. Will we get more time out? Will we have to start all over? We shall soon see.
The coronavirus has a purpose and it will not go away until it has fulfilled its purpose. We know that our previous way of life was not sustainable. Have we (collective we) changed? Are we on the right path now?
I am afraid that the answer to that question is “NO”. So, what’s next?
I want to share another Bob Prichard joke with you. He said: “We used to think that people were so stupid because they didn’t have enough information. We now know that that wasn’t it.”
We certainly don’t need more information. What we need is wisdom.
Here is a most interesting quote from the book Thrive by Arianna Huffington’s (co-founder, President, and Editor in Chief of the Huffington Post). She writes, “Wherever we look around the world, we see smart leaders – in politics, in business, in media – making terrible decisions. What they are lacking is not IQ, but wisdom.”
What we all need, to be able to create the life we want for ourselves, is “wisdom”. And we also now know that we can find that right within ourselves. We now know that we all have right brain abilities that enable us to receive intuitive guidance and wisdom from Universal Intelligence – the part of us that contains all knowledge.
Before we thought that the left brain (the intellect IQ) was all we had and that is what we have developed. The left brain provides reason and logic, linier thinking and verbal communication, and it is very important, but it is limited. Now we know that there is a part of us that is unlimited and by developing our right brain abilities we can receive wisdom.
We have created the world we find ourselves in today due to incorrect world beliefs. All of us have been taught so many things that do not help us create the lives we want for ourselves or the world we want to live in.
We know that our beliefs are the bases of our experiences and that we can change our beliefs and change our experiences. The first step in changing our beliefs is to become aware of what they are. About 85% of our beliefs are not on a conscious level. Even though they ae running our lives we are not aware of what they are.
In order to change our beliefs and expand our awareness of how life really works, the way to start is by questioning our beliefs. First, what do we believe about all the different things that affect our lives. Then we need to question those beliefs. Are they true? Of course, we believe they are, because they are our beliefs, but if we spend some time with this process, we can see that they are not true and what is true.
Discovering who we are and how we function moves us to a whole new level of understanding and experiences.
Developing our right brain abilities puts us on a path to discovering abilities that each of us have within ourselves far beyond anything we have ever known before.
This is what this global transformation is all about – creating a more advanced species of humanity that can and will create a new way of life and a new way of living. These fully actualized people will create a world that is very different from the world we are living in today.
At this point we don’t know what will happen with the coronavirus, but what I know is that whatever needs to happen to bring about this transformation will be happening.
I also know that if you practice the Unlimited Futures process on a daily basis it aligns you with the Laws of Nature and regardless of what happens you will be fine.
If you want to expand your awareness of how life really works and develop your ability to consciously create whatever you choose, go to our web site at
There you will find three books I have written to help you better understand this and I have also created a course to develop your right brain abilities.
My books are:
“Unlimited Futures: How to Understand the Life You Have and Create the Life You Want” – This book explains the process for developing abilities you probably never knew you had.
“Making Sense of the Chaos: A Cal to Action” – This is about what is happening in the world today, why it is happening and how we will change it.
“Unlimited: How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things” – This shows you what results from developing your unlimited abilities.