by Bobbie Stevens, Ph.D.
We are going through the biggest transformation the world has ever seen. We are going through this transformation as the result of scientific studies from around the world, which have now proven, almost everything we have believed in the past is not true. They have clearly proven that the old theories and concepts, we were all taught, were completely wrong.
This means we have built our lives and the world, around false theories, and concepts.
With those false beliefs we have created lifestyles and a world that is unsustainable.
Therefore, one of two things will happen. Either we will destroy ourselves or change our beliefs and behaviors.
We were headed, full speed ahead, down a path to total extinction. Covid stopped us. It stopped the entire world and our entire way of life. It gave many people an opportunity to get off the hamster wheel, think about their lives, and the world.
For the first time, most of us had the time to think and start questioning what we had been taught, and what we were doing. Most people’s lives had been on automatic pilot, just constantly going. We had been trying to make what we had been taught actually work for us, without any awareness it simply doesn’t work the way we have been taught it does.
I grew up a little earlier than most of you, at a time that was a bit slower. My life gave me time to think and question.
Many years ago, I had many big questions. I bet you have had these same questions at some point in your life. Questions like, what’s life all about? Why am I here? How does it all work?
Fortunately, I got the answers to my questions. I will share with you how it all came about, but first I want to share with you the answers that I clearly received intuitively, – because it is exactly what the new science has discovered and proven. It just came to me years before the scientific world discovered it.
I could see that everything in existence is just one wholeness. There is nothing outside the wholeness. Everyone and everything in existence is this. I saw that all of existence is energy vibrating at different frequencies and in different forms, which includes us. I also saw that there is a field of intelligence that contains all knowledge and moves and forms the energy. I clearly saw that Love is the power source. Therefore, the wholeness, everything in existence, is Love, intelligence, and energy.
I could see that we, all of us, as love intelligence and energy, are creators and are creating our own experiences, and all of us together are creating the world, and world experiences.
I could see that we are creating unconsciously, because we have not been aware that we are creators or how we do it.
I also clearly knew we could create consciously, and I saw a 7-step process for creating anything. I could also see that there are laws of nature that governs how the creative process works. I knew that given this knowledge I could work with this process and create whatever I wanted.
It was also very clear my purpose was to understand this and share it. First, I had to prove I clearly understood it by creating what I wanted in the material world.
Some of what I created at that time was a new business, 2 townhouses, new furnishings including my baby grand piano, and a new car, which was much beyond my financial ability at the time, but it worked exactly as I had envisioned.
Next came attracting my ideal mate. Then creating our company, Unlimited Futures, to share this knowledge.
I have continued to receive intuitive knowledge ever since.
I tell you about what and how I created the things I wanted, and how many others have created the lives they wanted using this process, in my book “Unlimited: How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things. You can get a free digital copy of this book on our web site at www.unlimitedfutures.org.
Back to what’s happening now, and why it is happening. Just a quick look at the untrue theories and concepts that we were taught. First, we were taught we are a part of the animal kingdom, we now know this is untrue. That theory was actually never proven, but it was the best they knew at the time.
It meant we were governed by the same laws, – the major one that created our biggest problem was “Survival of Fittest.” This is the source of the belief we are separate from each other and Nature, which laid the foundation for the belief of competition. We had to compete with each other to get ahead or fulfill our needs and desires.
We now know everyone and everything in existence is connected.
Another belief was all power is external. We now know we are the creators, and this power is within us.
Hopefully, this helps to see how we got to where we are. If what the scientists believed at the time had been true, our response would have worked. But we now know it wasn’t true, and those false beliefs have created a world that is now crumbling. It is unsustainable and is in the process of demonstrating this every day! This is what all the chaos is all about.
So, where this is transformation leading us? That is the exciting part.
In the past we believed the mind was where all the power was, therefore, we developed our mental abilities through our educational system
We have now discovered we have additional abilities we had ignored in the past because we were unaware of their value, or even what they were!
We believed all the power was in our mental abilities, and we associated them with masculine energy. Therefore, masculine energy has been predominate, and necessary, if the old science had been true.
We now know that regardless of our gender we all have both masculine and feminine abilities, or what we could call mind and heart abilities.
Masculine energy is action oriented, aggressive, forceful, protective, and exclusive. Masculine energy rules through fear.
Feminine energy is creative, supportive, nurturing, caring, receptive and inclusive.
Feminine energy guides, attracts and welcomes with caring (love).
The new science shows us the need for developing and using our feminine energies. This is what is happening in the world today. It will lead us to discover and develop our feminine energy and abilities. These abilities are also called heart abilities.
Heart abilities are our ability to be innovative, creative, and see the big picture. The intellect is not capable of seeing wholeness, it can only see parts. It can follow a cause-and-effect relationship so far then it gets lost in the complexity.
We now need to develop our intuitive ability. Intuitively we can see the big picture, as I did when I clearly saw the answers to my questions.
We all have a purpose, and we can receive intuitive guidance to fulfill our purpose. We can become aware of the knowledge that relates to our purpose or desire.
All energy is intelligence, and we receive knowledge intuitively on an as-needed-bases. When I made my first discovery, my friends wanted me to ask questions for them. I did, but what I got was “You don’t need to know”.
My questions and yours will be different. Someone else might ask something like “How do I create software that can’t be hacked?” I wouldn’t get an answer to that, but if that’s your purpose you would get the answer.
The man that founded the research foundation where my husband was the director, asked to know how to create equipment for solving problems farmers were having. He received the knowledge to create fluid hydraulics. Fluid hydraulics didn’t exist before his work, and now it is used for many things. It was created as the answer to his question.
The huge transformation is moving us to become aware of and develop our heart abilities. This will lead us to discover and create completely different lives and a completely different world.
At this point we can’t even imagine the possibilities that are right around the corner for us as we move from a fear ruled society to a love guided society.