Our Potential To Receive/Access Intuitive Knowledge

Are you excited about the rapidly changing world we are in? As you know, we are now in the midst of the biggest transformation the world has ever seen. This transformation is happening in all areas of our lives. It is affecting each of us on a personal level. It will also affect organizations, governments, countries – the entire world.

Around the turn of the century, my late husband Dr. Dean Portinga, was the director of a foundation doing research in life sciences and consciousness. They were exploring a scientific theory called the string theory. We don’t want to get into the entire string theory. It is much too complicated, but I am going to make the essence of it clear and personal.

The concept is that we evolve through different levels or dimensions. At the foundation, they discovered we were now moving into a higher dimension. The only thing they could tell, at that time, was that we were moving out of a negative force field into a positive force field.

The theory is there are approximately 10 dimensions and most of us were now functioning in what they believed to be the fourth dimension, and were moving into the fifth dimension.

Each new dimension moves us to a more advanced level of awareness, providing us with greater knowledge and understanding, thereby creating an advanced species of humanity.  

Science is what I call a left-brain function. Left-brain abilities are analysis, reason and logic, linear thinking and verbal communication. This was the only way we knew to gain knowledge in the past. It is the basis for our entire educational system.

However, as we move into this more advanced dimension, we are discovering we have another way of gaining knowledge. The other way we gain knowledge is through intuition. This comes about as a result of developing what I call our right-brain abilities, which are imagination, intuition and creativity.

We are all intuitive, but since we haven’t recognized it as a legitimate way of knowing in the fourth dimension, we have not recognized it as being valuable. Therefore, we have mostly ignored it.

Many years ago, I begin receiving knowledge intuitively, knowledge that was unknown at the time. Approximately 40 years later, scientists have discovered this same knowledge. 

I listened to my intuition and developed my right-brain abilities without knowing what I was doing. But I am so grateful that I decided to experiment. I discovered a whole new way of life. Little did I know, at the time, that I was moving into a more advanced level of understanding and functioning.

One of the things I discovered was my purpose here is to help others develop those same abilities within themselves.

I have also recently received intuitively knowledge about the difference between the fourth and fifty dimensions of life.

We have been living in the fourth dimension for centuries, and it has shaped personal, organizational and world experiences. Due to a lack of the knowledge that we are now accessing in the fifth dimension, we have lived with pain, suffering and struggle. As a result, we have damaged ourselves, each other and our environment.

We have not understood who we are or how we function. We have been unaware of the role we play in creating our experiences, including our problems. In addition, we have not understood how to fulfill our desires, which has led to many untrue theories and beliefs.

We have known for a long time we have the potential to function from a more advanced level, but few of us really explored that potential until recently.

In the fifth dimension we know who we are. We know that we are creators. We know we have the ability to create consciously. We know how to fulfill our needs and desires.

In the fourth dimension we were creating unconsciously, not understanding how things work or why things happen the way they do. We did not realize that we were creating personal, organization, government, country and world experiences.

In the fifth dimension we still have challenges, but we receive intuitive guidance for meeting them. We still need our left-brain abilities, but not to the extent we have in the past. When we receive knowledge intuitively it is so much easier and quicker than having to figure it out.

In this higher level, we understand there are laws of nature or principles of life that are governing how we create. One of these principles of life is “Everything is always changing”. In the fifth dimension we become aware we can guide that change and fulfill our desires.

We move from a belief in limitation and lack to an awareness of unlimited abundance. We realize that everything is energy and we are moving and forming that energy into whatever we choose. It is simply a matter of developing the potential we have always had.

It all starts with our personal transformation. Since people make up organizations, governments, countries, and the entire world, this new level of understanding and functioning will show up in all these places. We will create a much different world than what we have created with the limited knowledge we have had in the fourth dimension.

The time has come when enough people have developed their potential (right-brain abilities) to create a shift in energy. This is bringing us into the next evolutionary level called the fifth dimension.

This transformation will result in the creation of a more advanced species of humanity and a completely different world.

There is much to be excited about as we grow into our next level of evolution. 

 As we develop our potential, we discover we have the potential to receive intuitive knowledge about things that are unknown in the world today. This is how we will be able to bring greater service and value to the world through our organizations.

This is why we have created the six months coaching program. We can’t guarantee that we can do it within 6 months, but I know how it works, and we just have to start. How long it takes will differ with each person.  

We are looking for people in leadership positions who have a strong desire to bring greater value to their organization. If that is you, or you know someone that fits that description we want to talk with you.

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