A New Understanding of the Ten Commandments


The Bible was originally written to be a guide to help you live in peace and harmony, and guide you in fulfilling your desires. This book has been written to help free you from the limitations of your mind, to help you understand life principles, and create your ideal life.

Hundreds of translations over many thousands of years have misinterpreted the idioms (slang) used in the original manuscripts, resulting in a change in the meaning of many Sacred Passages in the Bible. If I were to write a letter to a friend that said, “I’m going to ‘hit the sack’ early tonight, someone finding my letter a thousand years from now would have no idea what I was talking about. The same holds true for idiom translations in the Bible.

Through Dean’s research into how thought and consciousness effect every aspect of our lives; mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual, you will discover that an exciting new world of possibilities exist for you.

A New Understanding of the Ten Commandments will guide you through the true meaning of the Ten Commandments.  During its approximately 3000 years of written history, Aramaic served as a language of the administrations of empires and as a language of divine worship. It was the language of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity, who spoke a Western Aramaic language during his public ministry. The Aramaic alphabet was widely adopted for other languages and was used in the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets.

Dean Portinga, Th.D., Ph.D., spent over 60 years researching physics, metaphysics, quantum physics, and spirituality as they related to the Bible. He also worked closely with the works of Dr. George Lamsa, a native Aramaic speaker, to write this book. Dr. Lamsa spent his lifetime translating the Aramaic Peshitta (literally “straight, simple”) of the Old and New Testaments into English. He translated the scriptures, using his extensive knowledge of Aramaic and the idioms used during that time into an understanding of the Bible’s original intent.

Through Dean’s combination of science and a clearer understanding of the Ten Commandments, he found a common thread that connected his combined knowledge into the answer to his life’s purpose.  In this book he shares with you what his research uncovered about how thought and consciousness affect every aspect of our lives.

A New Understanding of the Ten Commandments will give you a clearly defined step-by-step guide to a more meaningful understanding of the Ten Commandments as well as many tools for enriching  your life.

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Did You Know The Ten Commandments were originally written to be a guide to living your life in peace, harmony, and the fulfillment of your desires?  Dr. Portinga provides a fresh insight to these “Key” Scriptures!!

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