Energizer and Breathing Demonstration Video
The Energizer video provides a demonstration of the stretching exercises and breathing exercises we recommend doing on a daily basis. It will be very helpful in showing you exactly how to do them. There is a routine of things you need to do on a daily basis in order to refine the energy in the mind/body system so it is capable of merging with the more refined energy of the super-conscious.
The stress in our lives blocks our ability to know who we are on a higher level. In order to reduce stress stored in the mind/body system and refine the energy which makes up the system, we must make a commitment to a daily routine of breathing exercise, stretching exercises and meditation. When we schedule this practice into our daily lives, our lives begin to change, however, you may or may not feel the subtle changes in the energy in your mind and body. Either way, the energy will begin to change and you will feel peaceful and calm inside. The mind will stop racing constantly and thoughts will become clearer. Your ability to focus your attention will improve. These are subtle changes that have a cumulative effect over time; this is an inner process, not an outer one.
One of the powerful tools we have to use for our growth is observation. As we observe how we relate to the energy around us, our consciousness expands and we are able to make better choices. Remember you are in charge…you get to make all of your own choices and experience all the consequences. When you make a commitment to perform the daily breathing exercises, stretching exercises and meditation, you are making the commitment to creating a lifestyle that will lead you to higher levels of personal growth. The purpose of this DVD is to help you perform the energizer and breathing exercises correctly. The quickest way to learn is to watch someone else perform them and follow along. This will greatly accelerate your progress. (Photo Credit – Reflection Yoga)
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